Currency Creek Arboretum Eucalypt Research

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Eucalypt Diversity in Australia gallery
This gallery of 70 photographs illustrates the vast diversity in the over 900 different types of eucalypts. Most photographs have been taken from wild populations, with the gallery illustrating the wide diversity of environments in Australia.

All the photographs were taken by Dean Nicolle, with many used in his various publications, including Native Eucalypts of Victoria and Tasmania – South-eastern Australia, Eucalypts of Western Australia – the South-west Coast and Ranges, Smaller Eucalypts for Planting in Australia, Taller Eucalypts for Planting in Australia and Native Eucalypts of South Australia.

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Eucalyptus florida Eucalyptus hispida dwarf flowers Eucalyptus abergiana Queensland Eucalyptus aparrerinja Kings Canyon tree Eucalyptus aparrerinja Kings Canyon
Eucalyptus collina Bungle Eucalyptus confertiflora deciduous flowers Eucalyptus deserticola Augustus Eucalyptus dunlopiana Darwin Eucalyptus eremaea Mt Morris
Eucalyptus ficifolia red flowering gum Kersbrook tree Eucalyptus ficifolia red flowering gum Western Australia Eucalyptus ficifolia red flowering gum Eucalyptus gummifera red bloodwood Eucalyptus leichhardtii Queensland yellowjacket
Eucalyptus opaca bloodwood Eucalyptus aparrerinja Kings Canyon Eucalyptus setosa pedicellaris Eucalyptus alatissima Eucalyptus angulosa Nullarbor
Eucalyptus astringens redacta pink Eucalyptus brachyandra Kimberley Eucalyptus brachyandra Mount Danglish Eucalyptus ceracea Kimberley Eucalyptus cladocalyx sugar gum
Eucalyptus conferruminata recherche Mondrain Eucalyptus deglupta rainbow gum leaves Eucalyptus delegatensis alpine ash Australian oak Eucalyptus delegatensis alpine ash Eucalyptus diversifolia Cape Nelson
Eucalyptus diversifolia Kangaroo Island Eucalyptus erythronema Eucalyptus globulus Tasmanian blue gum flowers Eucalyptus globulus Tasmanian blue gum Eucalyptus glomerosa
Eucalyptus gongylocarpa desert gum Eucalyptus grandis flooded gum Eucalyptus kalganensis Eucalyptus kingsmillii Eucalyptus leucophloia snappy gum Pilbara
Eucalyptus leucoxylon megalocarpa Eucalyptus leucoxylon South Australian blue gum Eucalyptus macrocarpa elachantha CCA Eucalyptus macrocarpa elachantha Eucalyptus macrocarpa
Eucalyptus melanophloia nana mallee ironbark Eucalyptus minniritchi orbifolia Eucalyptus pauciflora acerina snow gum Eucalyptus pendens weeping mallee Eucalyptus phoenicea scarlet gum
Eucalyptus pileata mallee Eucalyptus preissiana lobata Eucalyptus regnans mountain ash Eucalyptus salubris gimlet stems Eucalyptus semiglobosa Mt Arid
Eucalyptus shirleyi flowers Eucalyptus shirleyi ironbark Queensland Eucalyptus sideroxylon red ironbark flowers Eucalyptus sieberi silvertop ash Eucalyptus sinuosa flowers
Eucalyptus sinuosa octopus mallee Eucalyptus sparsa Eucalyptus stoataptera Eucalyptus synandra flowers Eucalyptus synandra
Eucalyptus tenera mallee Eucalyptus vesiculosa Eucalyptus vokesensis South Australia Eucalyptus wyolensis rare mallee Eucalyptus youngiana

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